Alright, I finished Prisoners of Love by LaBibliographe a few days ago, trying to get it done to second it in the Smutastic_Award nominations. This story took up much of my time, and I didn't even end up seconding it! Poop! Well, I spose here is my review!
Location: AFFN
The summary for this story is: "Hermione Granger is thrown into Azkaban for a crime she didn't commit. Someone unusual comes to her rescue."
Warnings: Angst, AU/AR, Language, M/F, OC, Oral, Anal, Preg, Death, Violence
Rating: Adult ++
Length: 41 Chapters, really long, but even longer once you get into it!
Time Period: Post war
How Good?: Really good at first, but personal preference leaves it at that. Overall, generally, it would be 8/10
And the Smut?: Great when its good! But...
Status: Complete
Pairing: Lucius/Hermione
*Currently nominated for a Smutastic_Award!
Okay, so I'm not as fresh into this story since I just spend two days reading Dumbledore's Portrait, but I'll do my best to remember.
I love long, well written stories, and this certainly fits the mold for that! It was sort of addicting, but only at first. I think it's just that I don't care for certain things in stories. It was surprising that I liked this story as much as I did, having passed over it numerous times just because it was placed in prison (in the summary). I thought that Hermione was in prison, and some how Lucius comes along and steals her away, perhaps to use her for his own little festivities. But Prisoners of Love was nothing like that.
It began wonderfully, I was so into Lucius and his need for Hermione, and I loved that Hermione was so good for him romantically (hope I'm not giving much away, it is on AFFN!). But later on, towards the middle and into the pregnancy business, it got pretty boring. I am not one for preggosex. And the big climax, at the end, was sort of weak. Like the villains and such.
Writing too much more here would give everything away, and I'll leave that to my review on AFFN. For almost everyone, this story is the business! This writer has almost 1000 reviews on this story, and exceeds it on Beyond the Veil. LaBibliographe is rather awesome to read, especially for Lumione addicts.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Prisoners of Love
Dumbledore's Portrait
I just finished Dumbledore's Portrait by Dreamweaver and I have to say it was a nice, quick read! It's a common pairing for me, followed the books well, and... Oh, I don't know! It didn't really pop for me, I was expecting something really amazing to happen but it never did. Quite depressing, but it was so well written, and I was so into that I couldn't put it down!
Location: AFFN
The summary for this story is:
"7th year, Blaise begins the train journey to Hogwarts with Hermione on his mind. The trio are back too, but not for the reason most would believe"
Warnings: Lemon, Gen, AU
Rating: Adult +
Length: 10 chapters, on the long side, but still only 10 chapters
Time Period: 7th year
How Good?: Pretty good, 7/10
And the Smut?: Awesome, really descriptive and enthralling!
Status: Complete
Pairing: Hermione/Blaise, Hermione/Blaise/Draco
It really doesn't seem finished, not at all, but it is a good thing to just fill in to the books. Like, in a way, it goes along with it.
This story is very nicely written, I can't stress that enough! It's interesting, keeps you tied up in it, but towards the middle you want to keep reading, but you are still disappointed in knowing that what you want to see happen just wont. That's the main reason I gave this a 7/10...
So, if you want a quick read, with some nice smut this one is for you! But I would have definitely enjoyed 10 more chapters!