Sunday, January 3, 2010


OMG! It's been a while!

Well, a while since I've posted, but I've been reading addictively as usual. I just started a new blog, Secret Slash, which showcases slash (Harry/Draco, Harry/Cedric, ...), but I've really had a hectic time with life lately.

Just terrible time with life.

But in order to keep my mind busy, and not on the impending depression looming overhead, I'm going to be on here. I've just taken up a huge responsibility in some of my other accounts, but I really have been reading, and am going to shuffle more D/Hr stories, and not just the slash and RPF. I really want to get back to rec'ing D/Hr. I read it so much, and it's still my favorite, but I've been so lazy in posting!

Love is...
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