Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I will eventually post

I've been reading! But after Twilight, it's been Cedric fics. 

I decided to re watch GoF the other day, and decided that killing him off like that was quite ridiculous. I'm searching for any and all fics that keep him alive to finish his years at Hogwarts. I mean... he's so perfect. Like, he's a good student, he's tall and gorgeous, Quidditch Captain even! He has loving parents, and a wonderful House (Yes, I do love Hufflepuff's now). The most perfect person in the books, just gone. AHHH!

I am currently reading, literally, the best edited fanfic I've ever come across. It's like, all the emotions packed into a forever long story. I love length, grammar, and feeling. I cried within the first 10 minutes of reading. It is called Finding Himself and it even has its own website apparently :).  I promise, if you give it a look, you'll be a better person.


Love is...
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