Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Puzzle Pieces

This story, Puzzle Pieces by Em North, was the perfect day fic. Of course, if I didn't have all this homework to do, I would have pounded it out in less than two hours... but that's another story.

Location: IATQO

The summary for this story is:

"All Blaise wanted was some Transfiguration tutoring. What he got instead was a whole new world."

Warnings: Slash

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Length: 16 chapters, 50K

Time Period: Hogwarts, 7th Year

How Good?: Really good, 8/10

And the Smut?: So sweet, but the raw kind!

Status: Complete

Pairing: Draco/Hermione/Blaise

Because of the summary, and the first few lines of this fic, I'd skipped over it time and time again. How I read it, it seemed as if Hermione and Draco had some amazing thing going on, and Blaise ended up walking into some Narnia like world to be lured into their orgy trap. Not only this, but it was in first person--one of my instant no-no's.

But for once, I stepped over all that, was seriously surprised by what I read, and quickly got over the first person tense. It not only gave me the slash, but the Hermione and Draco interaction I love so much, and the sweetness of the building of friendship. I loved this fic, so much that I doubt I'll be reading it again too much in the future, but not for lack on it's part. It's a one-time awesome for me, anything else would be reference to the effects of Belladonna and Helleborne in potions. Lol!

So nicely written and backed up with thorough definitions and legitimate arguments between Draco and Hermione... It's not everyday you read a fic which, in many ways, educates you on an imaginary subject so well that you wish it existed in real life!

I don't mean to water it down with speak of schoolwork! The smut is hot, the arrangement is just so sweet and a bit outside the box (for the traditional D/Hr, threesome reader). The reason it received the rating 8/10 was because it was so short. I mean, although things were fulfilled by the end, the author could have easily switched a few things around and expanded the fic to 20 chapters, still carrying things out the same way, yet being able to stuff in a bit more smut and D/Hr/B interaction. 

Sweet, nicely written, and convenient read!


yearim-ie said...

i SO gotta read it... when i finish reading another dramione fic~~ ;L

Love is...
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