Monday, January 5, 2009

List of Stories

I do believe I will make a Twilight Fanfiction Blog in addition to my Dramione one... 

I have been switching back and forth between Twilight Fics and Potter Fics like a crazy, filling up the cache on my phone :). 

Here is a list of what I am currently reading!--

-Entranced, Twilighted
Bella is a witch, a healer, and the Cullens are new to Forks. She is a florist...
-A Licentious Proposition, AFFN, Scary Bear Hair
Malfoy has convinced Hermione to be his personal slave for a month. !!!! Post War, way sexy...
RPattz/KStew. Fall in love during filming!
-Water, Coloured Grey, Kissherdraco
Dramione, So painful, so beautiful... It's sort of chilling, but it makes you want to cry. 
-Irritable Grizzly Adams,
Twilight Fic, Edward left after the accident with Jasper. Bella never forgets him. Years later a chance reunion brings out the truth... 

Pretty hefty!


Love is...
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