Monday, August 18, 2008

**Check In

Alright, sorry about the long wait between posts. I have been looking around for an apartment while living in a place in the middle of nowhere, no internet, no tv, nothing...

But I have a phone, a Blackberry, with internet, and I have managed to continue reading quite a bit!

So I am reading three stories right now. One, a WIP is Claiming Hermione (Dramione). Another, Heart and Soul (Luna/Draco thought I'd try something new!). And my current obsession, Love Thy Enemy (Lumione).... I will be posting about Claiming Hermione as soon as I can get on a computer long enough to write about it, and put the links and email the author and such.

Oy, I just realized that a different Harry Potter fanfiction award place is Quill To Parchment. I never really paid much attentiont to anything other than the Dramione Awards... So QTP is where I found that Luna/Draco story... it is actually rather sweet!


Love is...
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