Friday, August 29, 2008


I have yet to finish a story! 

I really don't feel like writing about a story that has not been finished yet, but I imagine I will have to with Claiming Hermione. 

Currently, I am re reading a story called "More Than Anything by dynonugget over at AFFN. So far, the only thing I don't really like is the fluff. I miss the old Draco! The mean Draco! The snark!


Anonymous said...

Squeeee! I'm on your blog! I feel all warm and fuzzy!

I'm cheesing that I helped convince you start writing! I can tell from your standards for reading that you are going to do fabulously! I can't wait!

I saw that you are reading dyno's More Than Anything. Love seems to pour out of her, but mean, snarky Draco, not so much. Bummer that you haven't found a lot of great stories. If you haven't read them, I recommend Sage's The Fallout (on ColouredGrey) and Floorcoaster's Gravity. She has another name too, but I don't remember it.

Oh, and I love the name 13Secrets. Great nick!

Thank you again for all the praise. I'm just going to sit her and grin for at least another hour. :)


Love is...
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