Sunday, September 14, 2008

**Leave a Note

Alright, so I am writing on my story. Actually, for the past few days I stopped. I got so stuck, mainly from a review that assured me that I was rather "on point" with Draco. Which sort of made the entire chapter that I already had written sort of sad, cause it was moving really fast and he was extremely out of character. It's like, I have all these ideas, and I'm just trying to seriously get them all down on paper when the characters aren't really at that stage yet...

Also, I have been reading a story to try to get me back on track with Draco. Silencio, by Akashathekitty. I know, it's ridiculous that I haven't read it by now. It's pretty retarded actually, that I never read it until now and... it is so very well developed! And angst! Oy!!! For some reason I was convinced that this was a story that had Blaise Zabini as a female... Hm, I must be confusing it with something else. 


Love is...
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