Sunday, December 11, 2011

It took me--and Blogger a while.

But I'm back! And with new content! Thanks to a new series of fanblogs on Tumblr, and the greatness that has become Hawthorne & Vine, I'm here again to give in-depth reviews (yet surprisingly sans spoilers) of my favorite fics. Look for Dramione, Lumione, and a few random but amazing pairings. I will never post anything that I dislike and don't highly recommend. Do you wonder why this site isn't exclusive to Dramione, hence the name? With the rate that I read, and the fact that I tend to stick to completed fics, I'd run out of stories in a few months! I'm always taking suggestions. Want me to review something? Have a favorite you want posted or mentioned? Comment and I'll get on that straightaway! ~Fanfiction is my life.


Love is...
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