Friday, December 16, 2011

*just a note*

Thanks to everyone for sticking with me!

I've been changing the site around, trying to find a template that works... Dang this new Blogger! The content will remain though, no worries!


Kat said...

HI i don’t know if this is the place, but i recently found this amazing fanfic. It is called The Secret riddle. Here is a link. You really should read it, it is really good. it is a Draco/hermione story… and its sortve AU but still AMAZING. Here is a link to the authors page and the story is called The Secret Riddle.

13Secrets said...

Hey Kat!

I don't usually read T rated fics... But because you rec'ed it, I'll read it and review it! Sorry for the delay, I've been trying to compile a HUGE list of all the fics I've read and enjoyed... Of all my fandoms.

It's slow coming, but check it out here:, assuming that I don't find a bitter way to display it on Blogger!

Love is...
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