Friday, December 30, 2011

Price He Demands

I almost didn't want to finish Price He Demands by Curiositykills, but pushed through it anyways. The push was worth it, I must say! It has a very interesting concept, one of the first that I've read with a little bit of next-gen, a lot of Ron love... And a Draco that uses his snarky attitude defensively in a very obvious manner. Afterwards, I felt like I knew Draco just a LITTLE BIT more!

Price He Demands by Curiositykills
Summary: Just how far will Hermione go?
Rating: M
Length: 15K
Time Period: 20+ years Post War
Status: Complete
Pairing: Dramione

I didn't rate the smut on this one. One reason, it's not very in depth or elaborate (actually quite brief). Though the story is quite sexy in parts, a lot of it involves Hermione's love for Ron, and self denial. Without giving any spoilers, that is a big theme in the story and in some parts it overshadows the Draco/Hermione pairing. That can either be seen as a plus, or a big minus!


Love is...
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