Sunday, December 18, 2011

One Last Kiss

One Last Kiss by scifichick774 was a quirky little read just before bed--but I wish it had a sequel! Like most of the classic Dramione stories are now that they're years old, this fic is predictable. But it's well-written and on one of my favorite sites, IATQO!

One Last Kiss by scifichick774
Summary: Hermione comes across something unexpected while patrolling.
Location: IATQO
Rating: M
Length: One shot
Time Period: Hogwarts/War
Smut: 7/10
Status: Complete
Pairing Dramione

I miss these older fics! I suppose 2007 isn't that long ago but in terms of how Dramione has changed since then, or rather, how fanfiction in general has changed, there's a big difference in the quality and thought process that goes into fic writing. Back then, common sources were still being developed, plot lines were still new and exciting.


Love is...
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