Sunday, June 7, 2009

Heart and Soul

The Dramione Awards
Round 5 Nominee

"Dear Miss Granger, I understand and sympathize with you, however there is very little else I can do. While I know how difficult Mr. Malfoy can be, you are his last hope... Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore. AU/AR, M/F"

Location: (here)
Title: Heart and Soul
Author: Tassana Burrfoot
Rated: NC17, Adult+ (nothing extreme)
Categories: Best Novel Length (50K or more), Best Romance

I just finished this fic by T. Burrfoot and it had it's ups and downs, but I know I couldn't put it down! Good characterizations, awesome plot, and a backstory like no other. The concept, though a bit sped through, was really... I wouldn't say unique, but very well thought out. This is a plot that most would find typical and common, but it really isn't. Their experiences... I suppose I can't give anything away!

Pros: Great plot, story, phrasing, and concept, complete.
Cons: Quick paced periodically, overly fluffy/mean in parts, spelling issues.


Love is...
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