Monday, June 29, 2009

Heaven Forbid

The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

"She held the Muggle pregnancy test limply in her hands, and the red plus sign glared at Draco dauntingly, his very own monster come to wreak havoc in his world."

Location: dmhgficexchange, (here)
Title: Heaven Forbid
Author: empathapathique
Rating: NC-17
Categories: Best Short Story, Best Heart-Wrenching Angst, Best Draco

I just, sort of, finished this fic... I liked it, and by the authors writing ability it is clear why it was nominated. I had some problems following the story and what was going on Then and Now but I did my best to read through it. How I went about reading it was probably the source of my confusion. I couldn't read it all in one sitting, so I read a little here, and a little there, and couldn't actually follow specific issues at once... All I can say is, "my bad."

Because of my mistakes, I'll only list the Pros with this story!

Pros: Well written, planned out, and great execution of such a heavy topic (abortion). 


Love is...
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