Sunday, June 28, 2009

White Knickers

The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominations

"A short vignette between Draco and Hermione."

Location: LJ, (here)
Title: White Knickers
Author: Bunney/Krissy
Rating: PG, ought to be T in my book
Categories: Best One-Shot

Another awesome one-shot! This was no usual PG fic. As soon as I saw that rating, I almost immediately skipped it, but it was worth the read! There is no fluff here, and although it's sweet, you there's no beautiful story line to fall back on... I wish I could say more! Smart, sexy, yet subdued.

Pros: Amazing, in character, hot.
Cons: I wish there was more! Not that it should be longer, but I just didn't want it to end!

Companion fics!!!
White Noise:
White Light:


Love is...
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