Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Puzzle Pieces

This story, Puzzle Pieces by Em North, was the perfect day fic. Of course, if I didn't have all this homework to do, I would have pounded it out in less than two hours... but that's another story.

Location: IATQO

The summary for this story is:

"All Blaise wanted was some Transfiguration tutoring. What he got instead was a whole new world."

Warnings: Slash

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Length: 16 chapters, 50K

Time Period: Hogwarts, 7th Year

How Good?: Really good, 8/10

And the Smut?: So sweet, but the raw kind!

Status: Complete

Pairing: Draco/Hermione/Blaise

Because of the summary, and the first few lines of this fic, I'd skipped over it time and time again. How I read it, it seemed as if Hermione and Draco had some amazing thing going on, and Blaise ended up walking into some Narnia like world to be lured into their orgy trap. Not only this, but it was in first person--one of my instant no-no's.

But for once, I stepped over all that, was seriously surprised by what I read, and quickly got over the first person tense. It not only gave me the slash, but the Hermione and Draco interaction I love so much, and the sweetness of the building of friendship. I loved this fic, so much that I doubt I'll be reading it again too much in the future, but not for lack on it's part. It's a one-time awesome for me, anything else would be reference to the effects of Belladonna and Helleborne in potions. Lol!

So nicely written and backed up with thorough definitions and legitimate arguments between Draco and Hermione... It's not everyday you read a fic which, in many ways, educates you on an imaginary subject so well that you wish it existed in real life!

I don't mean to water it down with speak of schoolwork! The smut is hot, the arrangement is just so sweet and a bit outside the box (for the traditional D/Hr, threesome reader). The reason it received the rating 8/10 was because it was so short. I mean, although things were fulfilled by the end, the author could have easily switched a few things around and expanded the fic to 20 chapters, still carrying things out the same way, yet being able to stuff in a bit more smut and D/Hr/B interaction. 

Sweet, nicely written, and convenient read!

Her Shoes

I'm back! After a long summer of work and H/D reading, I've gotten my muse back and with it, my love for Hermione. 

I have decided to start with "Her Shoes" by one of my top F-listers margaritama. I began reading this fic when it first came out much earlier in the year, but for some reason held off midway through. It is complete now, so I read it from start to finish over the past few days and was just as excited about it as the first time! 

Location: AFFN, GE

The summary for this story is:

"Draco Malfoy has demanded Hermione Granger head up an important new Wizard and Muggle venture he's funding. They'll be working at his home. Why would he do this? It's clear he can't stand her. Isn't it?"

Warnings: BDSM, Bond, M/F, Dom, Oral, SoloF, Spank

Rating: Adult ++

Length: 19 full chapters, Mid length

Time Period: Post Hogwarts, rather AU

How Good?: So, so good!

And the Smut?: Downright naughty


Pairing: Dramione

Ever notice how the great writers of fanfiction come up with an idea, stick to it, and manage to come out with an awesome story no matter how different it may be to other people? No matter how it starts out, or how odd or farfetched people call it? Or how many mixed reviews it gets? And to still come out on top, with EVERYONE loving it?! Margarita rolled this one out, with a standoffish and dreadfully aloof Draco and a Hermione addicted to expensive, designer shoes. And it works (out) so nicely! 

And when I say Margarita has style, I mean it. A style all her own, with witty phrasing and easily flowing reading like no other. It's fairly rare that I find a fic that can move me to tears, have me laughing out loud, and at times angry enough to write the author a big chunk of my mind about what she's done with a situation, only to have me wanting more and more and more at the end. And this was her first fic, I believe!

This story is intense, yet playful, stuffed with obsession and girlyness and heartache and sweetness. I wish I could give more detail without giving it all away, but I doubt I could. But I will say this: you won't find an easily submitting Hermione here. Sure, she might be lead by some heady attraction at times but she fights for equality, and is one of the stronger Hermione's I've ever read... and I've read alot... 

Love y'all, and I'm happy I'm back! I have another fic that I've given a shot and read today, and am ready to post my response while I'm on here!


Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Nymph Hunt

The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

" Sometimes you're a hag in a nymph's body, and sometimes you're just a witch trying to hide the nymph in you..."

Location:, (here)
Title: The Nymph Hunt
Author: akashathekitty
Rating: T
Categories: Best Short Story, Best Draco

There were some things that I really just didn't like about this fic... But Everything else was perfect! Draco and Hermione's interaction was fun, funny, and a bit quirky. I love the idea for the costumes... I hope that wasn't a spoiler!

Pros: Wonderfully written, complete, funny, and had a certain level of predictability that comes with knowing the characters well!
Cons:... Hag?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Stone Dragons

The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

"Sometimes there are no right decisions. There are only actions and consequences. Hermione's only choice now is who to betray. "

Location: dmhgficexchange, (here)
Title: Stone Dragons
Author: gravidy
Rating: R
Categories: Best Short Story, Best Action/Adventure, Best Heart-Wrenching Angst, Most Creative, Best Hermione

This was great... Great in that heavy, heady, emotional roller coaster kind of way. It was so well supported, with a huge backstory and so much new material that I don't believe I will ever see the worlds the same again. It could completely change the way I read HP fiction, and things related to the series... The pureblood/muggle dynamic in this really makes you think...

Pros: Thought provoking, well written, and although there is very little "happy" in this fic, it's worth it to push through the tears...
Cons: So, unfailingly sad. The D/Hr relationship is really subdued because of the amount of tragic and terrible stuff going on. 


The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

"Draco finds a trip to the showers after playing Quidditch...enlightening."

Location: Pure Arrogance, (here)
Title: Hydrotherapy
Rating: NC17
Categories: Best Short Story

Incredibly... hot, sexy, humid, and all manners of wet! This is short and steamy, romantic and I can't believe it wasn't nominated for Best Smut! I'm absolutely RAVING here!

Pros: Hot, and so very nice! No technical issues of any sort, and I wish it never ended!
Cons: Sequel, anyone?

Heaven Forbid

The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

"She held the Muggle pregnancy test limply in her hands, and the red plus sign glared at Draco dauntingly, his very own monster come to wreak havoc in his world."

Location: dmhgficexchange, (here)
Title: Heaven Forbid
Author: empathapathique
Rating: NC-17
Categories: Best Short Story, Best Heart-Wrenching Angst, Best Draco

I just, sort of, finished this fic... I liked it, and by the authors writing ability it is clear why it was nominated. I had some problems following the story and what was going on Then and Now but I did my best to read through it. How I went about reading it was probably the source of my confusion. I couldn't read it all in one sitting, so I read a little here, and a little there, and couldn't actually follow specific issues at once... All I can say is, "my bad."

Because of my mistakes, I'll only list the Pros with this story!

Pros: Well written, planned out, and great execution of such a heavy topic (abortion). 

Sunday, June 28, 2009

White Knickers

The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominations

"A short vignette between Draco and Hermione."

Location: LJ, (here)
Title: White Knickers
Author: Bunney/Krissy
Rating: PG, ought to be T in my book
Categories: Best One-Shot

Another awesome one-shot! This was no usual PG fic. As soon as I saw that rating, I almost immediately skipped it, but it was worth the read! There is no fluff here, and although it's sweet, you there's no beautiful story line to fall back on... I wish I could say more! Smart, sexy, yet subdued.

Pros: Amazing, in character, hot.
Cons: I wish there was more! Not that it should be longer, but I just didn't want it to end!

Companion fics!!!
White Noise:
White Light:

The Nothing Fights

The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Awards

"And she fell for him like her heart was a mob informant and he was the East River."

Location: dmhgfixexchange, (here)
Title: The Nothing Fights
Author: somandalicious
Rating: Light R
Categories: Best One-Shot, Best Comedy

I absolutely adored this fic, and that's saying a lot! So nice, so complete, it was long enough to get used to the plot and acquire some expectations of the coming events, but not too long... So funny!

Pros: Perfectly written, betaed, organized. Hilarious, yet sweet, and an awesome Hermione! 
Cons: I almost wish there was a sequel! Or a companion!

That Ferret!

The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

"Draco Malfoy has been a constant pain in my you know where for the last six years. But now ... “Going to the library, huh? Can’t wait until 8?” He whispers softly, teasing me. “Like I said, you just can’t resist my charm.” That ferret!"

Location:, (here)
Title: That Ferret!
Author: emaji
Rating: T
Categories: Best One-Shot

This is a first-fic with a really good idea behind it, but it's not my favorite. I think it's because I'm picky, and one-shots are really not my "thing," but it was a good first shot for emaji!

Pros: Nicely written, no horrendous grammar or technical issues.
Cons: Really short, no real story (just an idea), climax? plot? Unclear transitions between thoughts, actual spoken words, and story happenings...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Leap Year

The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

"Nobody needs anybody, Granger. They just want the point of pain."

Location: dmhgficexchange, (here)
Title: Leap Year
Author: basicaquatics or attica (?)
Rating: PG-13
Category: Best One-Shot

For some reason I held off on reading this fic... Like, the first time I opened it, I immediately backtracked to the Nom Page to find something else... I guess I figured it would be too long, or something I ought not start until I had enough time to read it on my computer instead of my Blackberry... Either way, I did read it, and I did like it!

The style is a bit... new to me. I'm one to pay attention to specifics, in grammar, and sentence structure... And along with that, the story itself was really different... I've done this in the past, focused a fic almost entirely on the characters and their characterizations, somewhat glazing over the backstory, and even the setting. In this case, I would have appreciated some more backstory, a lead-in or something. It almost comes off as AU, especially in the beginning...

But despite this, and the fact that it's PG-13, I did like it. It is nicely written, and it's definitely deserving of the nomination!

Pros: Well written, really different, and rather quirky in spots!
Cons: Confusing structure for those who don't understand the pacing, very little backstory, comes off as AU often, maybe even AH...

How You Need It

The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

"When Hermione finally comes to her senses and tries to divorce Ron, he refuses to give her one. Can Draco of all people help Hermione learn to love again, or will Ron get in the way of their happiness? DMHG, HPGW. DH compliant minus epilogue."

Location: GE, (here) and, (here)
Title: How You Need It
Author: dynonugget
Rating: M
Categories: Best Novel-Length, Best Fluff

As most of dyno's fics are, this one is perfectly written, well thought out and organized! If you want good, honest fiction, this story is for you... The issues involved are very real, and even though this fic is fluffy, it's rather painful in spots. Great read, great work!

Pros: well organized, betaed, and executed. Wonderful story, interesting characterization of Ron.
Cons: Almost too much fluff, (with good reason) extremely OOC Draco. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

"Granger was dead. Granger was dead and everyone was acting like the sun had burnt out, like life was no longer worth living, like they should all just walk straight into the lake with their mouths open and drown. Pathetic."

Location:, (here)
Title: Pathetic
Author: I-Can-Spell-Confusion-With-A-K
Rating: T
Categories: Best One-Shot

This was a very short, in character Draco POV fic... Really nice! It was simple, not particularly layered or deep, but it had an attitude that I'm not used to finding in one-shots. This reads as a fic that didn't take much time to create, but like a really good idea that was written out for all to see... 

Pros: Wonderfully organized, in character Draco, great feel, complete
Cons: I would say that it's short... But I really couldn't imagine it being any longer.


The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

"Hermione has a longing, caused by none other than Draco Malfoy."

Location: GE, (here)
Title: Longing
Author: dynonugget
Rating: NC17
Categories: Best One-Shot

Longing was really really sweet, nicely written, and particularly pleasant. I'd just finished the most intense, angsty smutfest fic I've ever come across so this did come off as rather "light," but in a GREAT way. Pretty short, but then again, it's a one-shot!

Pros: Well written, by dynonugget, sweet, and the drama was not too dramatic.
Cons: The length if you don't like one-shots :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

"DH, post-epilogue. Twenty years after the war, Draco is plagued by remorse. In his mind, Hermione is the only one who can grant him the absolution he is seeking. Hermione takes him up on his offer, to suffer for her. Angst, BDSM, Humil, M/F"

Location:, (here)
Title: Atonement
Author: Emily Waters
Rating: NC17, Adult++
Categories: Best Short Story, Best Heart Wrenching Angst, Best Hermione

Wow. Just wow. Great night read, awesome semi-quick read. If you aren't afraid of humiliation, and heavy BDSM themes, this is absolutely perfect. It isn't too short, it felt complete, very well written, and it even made me want to read a bit more by Emily Waters before the hour's through. 

Pros: Engaging, perfect length, emotional, well written, well-betaed, complete
Cons: A bit heavy if you don't like BDSM, angst, and humiliation.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Black & Blue

The Dramione Awards

Round 5 Nominee

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Location: GE, (here)
Title: Black & Blue
Author: pokeystar
Rated: PG-13
Category: Best One-shot, Most Creative

I'm not one for one-shots, so this one was a struggle for me! There were a lot of things I liked, but quite a few things I didn't. Personal taste, I imagine, based on the fact that almost everything I read is 50K and I've formed a preference for that length. 

I liked it, didn't love it, but it was very creative and interesting... The layout is somewhat genius, but only if you understand what the writer is doing. I love the little dynamic Draco and Hermione have here... it really is unique, though. 

Pros: Perfectly betaed, great idea, very creative, pleasant characterizations, no extremes
Cons: Confusing, doesn't seem complete, to many time switches

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Heart and Soul

The Dramione Awards
Round 5 Nominee

"Dear Miss Granger, I understand and sympathize with you, however there is very little else I can do. While I know how difficult Mr. Malfoy can be, you are his last hope... Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore. AU/AR, M/F"

Location: (here)
Title: Heart and Soul
Author: Tassana Burrfoot
Rated: NC17, Adult+ (nothing extreme)
Categories: Best Novel Length (50K or more), Best Romance

I just finished this fic by T. Burrfoot and it had it's ups and downs, but I know I couldn't put it down! Good characterizations, awesome plot, and a backstory like no other. The concept, though a bit sped through, was really... I wouldn't say unique, but very well thought out. This is a plot that most would find typical and common, but it really isn't. Their experiences... I suppose I can't give anything away!

Pros: Great plot, story, phrasing, and concept, complete.
Cons: Quick paced periodically, overly fluffy/mean in parts, spelling issues.

The Dramione Awards Round 5

Alright, so it's that time again! Well, it has been that time again... for a while yet! But now that all the nominations are up, and I have plenty of time, I can get through them all and vote appropriately! I couldn't do this with the Smutastic Awards, but I'm on it for the Dramione's! 

So yes, I must read, or have read, every fic to vote right. Right, correctly, whatever... I said "appropriately" above so we'll go with that one. So I am going down the list, (in my own order) reading the fics one by one. And now I have a plan!

I am going to review each fic, individually, but not the full on editorials I usually do. They are going to be short, really as a way for me to remember my likes and dislikes for when the actual voting comes around! My review format will contain the author, title, the fics location, the rating, the category(ies) nominated for, the summary, and a little review from me! So please, to the few people who check out my blog here, check those out! I can't really bomb through the 50K+ fics, but I shall try my best! 

This is awesome! So many fics to read, so little time. (June 1-June 30!)

This isn't meant to be a resource, Loves Dramione's sole purpose is and always will be my personal means to link to, recall, and have all of the fics I rec/rev in one place. All authors whose stories are reviewed and hotlinked here are contacted, and permission is granted from each. If an author wishes a review to be removed from my blog, I'll do so-no questions asked!

*I am in no way affiliated with the Dramione Awards, the authors and/or stories represented, or the moderators of the community itself. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Need and Want

I got back into the groove! Holy crap is really becoming my best source for fics, new and old. Not only do the pages load easier on my phone, the amount of fiction there is just stupendous...

Through the community "Hermione's Happy Endings," I have found a few fics that have loaded up the memory on my Blackberry: Be Careful What You Bet On by BooBlack, Best Laid Plans by shadowglove, Love and Forgiveness by HarryPGinnyW4eva, and most recently Need and Want by rinny08. 

The summary for this story is:
"Head Girl Hermione Granger wants nothing more than a quiet final year at Hogwarts, only to be thwarted by Head Boy Draco Malfoy who offers her an arrangement that might be everything she needs. AU after HBP and DH."
Warnings: AU (?)
Rating: soft M
Length: Medium length, 22 chapters/~45K words
Time Period: 7th year Hogwarts/Post War
How Good?: Pretty good, 8/10
And the Smut?: -/10, see below
Status: Complete
Pairing: Dramione 
Awards: Haven't found any...


The Bad:
This fic was a pleasant, quick, easy read but by the description I was expecting much more... something. Spunk, heat, and that anticipation that you usually get while finishing a chapter. 

Alot of that anticipation was dissolved with the little previews given at the end of each chapter, along with the writers exceptional foreshadowing. It was too good, and I could tell nearly every "big" point in the story many chapters before they happened. 

The smut was, even though the summary foreshadows otherwise, nearly nonexistent and the relationship was so fluffy at times that... well, it almost seemed indecent for any smut to be written out at all. In the beginning, the deal is made, and I am expecting a plethora of hot and sweaty, but secret, Head Boy/Girl action. They set up their "arrangement" and we expect their first time together, along with the second, and perhaps some kink throughout the story. I mean, the fic is called Need and Want for goodness sake, not Want and Fulfilled. Despite our expectations, I can't remember any actual smut whatsoever... It's like, the set up is there, hints at foreplay, but even the kissing is kept to modest pecks for the most part. What I mean is, she sets up for what sounds like some amazingly randy hotness at the end of one chapter, only for it to be referred to briefly in the next. Or having a lead in with some caresses in one sentence, with some Stephenie Meyer sex smattered about (not even), and then the little "after their fulfilling night, Draco and Hermione went..." afterwards. And by Stephenie Meyer sex I mean the kind where she skips a few lines and you are just supposed to imagine it, in there, the blank space...

I bombed through this story trying to find the heat, but it wasn't there.

The Good:
I AM happy I finished this fic though. This is great writing, nearly perfectly betaed, very well thought out phrasing and sentence structure, and some beautiful descriptions. That's why this got an 8/10. Apart from the dryness of the plot itself, which is a bit half corked, if summarized correctly this fic could very possibly win a Dramione Award if it hasn't already. This has a very, though not particularly, happy ending--something I adore in a fic. 

Draco and Hermione's relationship progresses quickly, and although a lot of hearty information is left out, I can certainly appreciate what the writer has put in! There is a very intense moment at the end but... I really love how it is resolved! I guess I can't say anymore on that!

So, even though it is displayed as a fic with romance and angst, especially with the M rating, this is definitely not meant to be that kind of fic. It's fluffy, with some drama, a pleasant (though choppy) storyline, and should probably, if anything, be rated T. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Nietzcshe Classes

I read The Neitzcshe Classes by Beringae was a nice little treat! I finished it yesterday, and enjoyed it for the most part. I'm taking Intro to Philosophy currently, and just read The Gay Science so this was really interesting to find! I almost want to school my professor on fanfiction and Dramione just so he could effectively check out this fic! 


The summary for this story is:

"The Ministry takes action against the remaining prejudice in the wizarding society and asks Hermione for help. “What do you want? Money? Power? Name your price, Granger. I’m not about to let pride get in my way when an Azkaban sentence is on the line.”

Warnings: None listed, but your usual angst, drama, maybe some dubcon. Oh, and character death

Rating: M

Length: 15 chapters, 45K. Not very long, but big for this number of chapters I suppose. 

Time Period: Post War/Hogwarts

How Good?: Pretty good. 7/10

And the Smut?: Beautiful, but not the focus of the story. 

Status: Complete

Pairing: Dramione


This is very... questionable. When I finished it, I didn't really feel like it was actually done, but not for the normal reasons. It wasn't as if there was this big dramatic  turmoil left unresolved, or a conflict that took a load of chapters, only for it to be scrambled closed hastily. I don't really know how to describe this.

The first thing I thought of after the last chapter was "that was dry." It wasn't full of pain, or passion, and Hermione was COMPLETELY hung up on Ron's death. Throughout the entire thing. And Draco is so detached he should be in an asylum. Practically everything he says is because he's lashing out. Well, maybe not...

You'd think that with Hermione in mourning, and Draco having everything (his parents, his status) taken away from him, that there would be a hot, dramatic, clash of minds and bodies once the initial hate and disgust wore off. But the only connection is the sex, and even in that Hermione is still imagining Ron hating her for it. 

Sigh. This is still wonderfully written, edited, and a plot that I've never read before. I love the quotes, and the themes of each chapter. I loved that. I guess I'm just so used to the big hot messes that I usually read that this was sort of different. But not in the refreshing way. 


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Freedom's Consequence, Rapture's Reward

Me, the terrible Dramione reader hadn't even heard of this fic, Freedom's Consequence, Rapture's Reward by CelticSass. But then again, I usually don't search for other people's rec lists. I found this story on a list that dynonugget made and immediately started reading it. It was everything I could hope for, and sometimes even more!

The summary for this story is:
"When trying to fulfill the terms of a relative's will Hermione Granger enters into a dangerous bargain with her childhood nemesis Draco Malfoy. Fate conspires against Hermione and the arrangement grows more complicated."
Warnings: Mild violence, briefly mentioned dark themes, sexual situations (duh!), adult language and themes. (Nothing out of the ordinary.)
Ratings: M
Length: Long, 26 very full chapters
Time Period: Post War
How Good? Surprisingly good, remarkable, something I would definitely recommend. 8.5/10 for many punctuation problems. If you aren't used to a lack of break indicators, it may take you a while to get in to the flow but it's worth it to try! But it's only punctuation that's the problem, the grammar and phrasing is so perfect, and the "English" like terms are aplenty! 
And the smut? Not the focus of the story, but 9/10 when it is in a chapter. Super hot... 
Status: Complete
Pairing: Dramione

What I look for as soon as I find a potential story to read is first, length, second, completeness. Almost every story that is complete, or has at least 20K words is worth reading and reviewing. So although dyno rec'd it, I still would have read it some day or another...

The warnings for this story are just something I made up from her introductory paragraph. There is no BDSM, no unseemly bloodplay, or Mpreg plotlines. Nothing worth being warned about. Which was pleasant! Shockingly so since I've been reading such "edgy" fics lately that this was so refreshing! 

And you know what else is refreshing? A disgustingly in character Draco. Hermione is her usual stubborn, narrow-minded, bookish self (perfect for the inevitable courting and romance)... but Draco, instead of transforming into this perfect, loving, though still snarky husband who is doing everything imaginable to make Hermione happy and raise a family and yah-dah, CelticSass leaves all of that alone. I trust she did this on purpose, cause it was amazing! To have a heartless, self-centered, self serving, user, prat, unfeeling sociopath Draco as, to me, the focus of the story was just so different, quirky, and just laughable at times. 

And although a slight change was apparent in his attitude toward the end of the story, it was really questionable. He maintained this attitude, and instead of changing to accommodate Hermione's soft/hard loving nature, he had other things to think about. Getting laid, protecting his possessions, and finding every possible way to keep his arse alive. This is what I'm talking about!

Hermione is, at times, just as thickheaded, but it works! He rubs off on her (not just like that), and it works so that Mione isn't trampled over completely in his bossiness...

For those planning on reading this, don't skip ahead! Ever. This fic has quite a few twists and turns, and they are all presented and resolved so well...

***I plan on reviewing "What Happens in Paris" by ArieSemir tomorrow after work... Yes, work! I got a job! Finally!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Bound Prince

I haven't stopped reading! But I will wait to write the next few reviews of the series...

Harry Potter and the White Queen: done

Harry Potter and the Beloved Incubus: done

Harry Potter and the Serpent King: about to begin!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Harry Potter and The Secret Keeper

I have a little bit left to read but Harry Potter and The Secret Keeper by Slashpervert and Sayingsorry_hh was just as amazing as The Bound Prince. I knew what to expect, for the most part, and the length and thoroughness is just so...great? Wonderful? I don't know how many times I can say this, but this Bound Prince series is really my kind of reading. Length, angst, pain, and hot slash. 

The only fic, before this series, that I read that contained (contains) slash is Bound By Duty, by SoftObsidian74. The plot lines are completely different, and so is the slash. This isn't a comparison, just a statement!

Location: The Quidditch Pitch, LJ
The summary for this story is:
Warnings: Alternate Universe, Angst, BDSM, Bondage, COntains Spoiler for HBP, D/s, Dub-Con, Frottage, Graphic Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Incest, Non-Con, Public Sex, Rimming, Slash, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Bloodplay (not listed)
Rating: ADULT
Length: Novel Length, 16OK
Time Period: Labeled as Voldemort Second War, when 7th Year should be
How Good? 10/10, just breathtaking. 
And the Smut? Phew! So hot. 
Status: Complete
Pairing: Harry/Draco, slight Ron/Hermione

"This book begins immediately following the previous once. Harry and Draco must find a way to live together now, figure out where they will live, and how they will continue Harry's fight against Voldemort, including the search for the Horcruxes. As if that weren't enough for them to deal with, Lucius Malfoy (and his fellow Death Eater prisoners) escapes from prison and comes looking for his son. [rating: ADULT. 160,000 words, 44 chapters.]"

This took a bit longer to read,  for me because it was the week before Spring Break, but also because it was so long. And literally, there were themes which required me to save the reading for a different time (not in class, or in church, or at a friends house). 

If you've read, which I hope you have, The Bound Prince then you should have little problems with this story. I didn't think I could be stunned or surprised any more so, but wow. I was, and really had to reread several sentences to make sure I read it properly. Nothing that can't be handled but... 

The entire series can be found (here) and is definitely going to be taking up the rest of my month! It's just so...  Epic. This takes the cake for EPIC, Mastery. And the take on pureblood relations was really something. It changed my outlook on Draco and his loyalty to his family, and his father. 

This story is pure feeling, where the first of the series was discovery and Hurt/comfort, The Secret Keeper was the embodiment of pain, lust, helplessness, and all those in between. 


Monday, March 2, 2009

Magical Memory Prologue

I just sort of popped this out. It is a mystery pairing for, gasp! Twilight.

I'm really proud of it, it's an idea that just came to me like Mirrored Glass, but on a much broader scale. It will also be written in a different style than my usual, but Twilight is much simpler than HP, and I can write like an unaware bint! (Spike used to call Dru that, as I recall).

My beta, new LJ member xsongforyoux edited this for me with 2 minutes notice so yay!


Here it is...

I do hope y'all, who dare read something of mine, like it :). I'm new to Twilight writing...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Harry Potter and The Bound Prince

AHHH!!! I finally finished it! Although I just started two days ago, Harry Potter and The Bound Prince by Slashpervert and Sayingsorry_hh was a long, thorough read. It was unbelievable. This was my first venture into the Harry/Draco pairing, and it was enjoyed!

I don't even know where to start....

Location: The Quidditch Pitch, LJ
The summary for this story is:
Warnings: BELOW
Rating: ADULT
Length: Novel Length, 125K
Time Period: Hogwarts, 6th Year
How Good?: So so so good. 10/10
And the Smut?: Hot, constant nonstop. HOT.
Status: Complete
Pairing: Harry/Draco

"In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince there is a pivotal moment where things could have gone very differently. That is the bathroom scene where Harry nearly kills Draco by accident. Draco is upset that Harry has caught him crying and throws a hex. It escalates and ends in blood. Our story begins with the simple premise of "what if" something changed in the bathroom scene so that Harry and Draco talked instead of throwing hexes. It also takes the assumption of unvoiced attraction between the two. Draco takes a chance and kisses Harry. Once sparked, their mutual desire and exploration becomes the driving force in the alternative ending to that of Half-Blood Prince. Draco's "mission" from Voldemort turns out to be more complex than that presented in canon and their solution even more difficult. [Rating: ADULT. Heavy sexual content, slash, kink, D/S and monogamy. 125,000 words, 37 chapters.] Harry Potter and The Bound Prince won the 2007 Quill to Parchment Awards for 1) Best Male Slash, 2) Best Novel Length and 3) Best Trio Era fan fiction."

This is a big story. A BIG STORY. Not just in length but... When I started this story, and just now looked it up for links, I didn't realize that it was such a huge deal. That it was novel length, part of a series of HUGE HUGE novels. This is the kind of writing all writers should aspire to. Prolific, plentiful, and well betaed.

The entire series (though incomplete) is (

There was so much smut, so much drama and angst. It was so long, and everyone knows I like long stories, long fics. This is the most complete fic I have ever read, especially because of the continuance of the story with
Harry Potter and The Secret Keeper which I have yet to read, but plan to today.

Everyone should read this, everyone. It's a little overwhelming at first, especially if you are new to slash, but then it's just so great. Draco and Harry are so equal, so even...

And you know, there is something that I find throughout both the HP and Twilight fandoms, in fanfiction, where this is some remarkable pairing, event, that goes unnoticed by the outside world. Draco and Hermione are a great pair, but rarely are they seen in public together, do anything in public together, and most certainly don't come out to everyone with anything even indicating how everyone takes it and how they go on. Perhaps that didn't make sense...

The writers who created this story/fic/novel, did a great job of continuing the story, exposing the couple, and explaining and showing the reactions of the school. Most stories keep the couple, whether a slash or just a het fannon pairing, a secret, or just end the story with the pairing coming out. No reaction, no backstory, just THE END.

I'm so happy that I get another story after this one, and then another, and another. I'm so excited! 10's all around!

Monday, February 9, 2009

**Reading List


Will be edited over time

Newly found, reading faithfully!
Waiting for Coloured Grey to reappear! So I can read the ending... which apparently does exist. 
Waiting for update!!! Ch. 29
About to read new update! Ch. 15
Slowly working through, a little bit iffy at the moment as to whether I like it or not :(.
Girl Talk (L/Hr)
Waiting for updates, but rereading past chapters to keep me going...

List: Beyond the Veil, Ball and Chain, Diamond in the Rough...

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I started and finished reading Addictions by Cliodna yesterday, and I was not disappointed! It was just the thing to keep me entertained :). 

Location: -Personal Website-"Cliodna Writes"
The summary for this story is: "Hermione can't seem to figure out why Draco Malfoy wont stay away from her-and even more disturbing, neither can he.
Warnings: None Listed, but contains the usual. M/F sex...
Rating: NC-17 (not really)
Length: 15 Chapters, Mid-Length
Time Period: Post Hogwarts
How Good?: 9/10, perfect length, a great amount of everything, but falls a teeny bit short in the smut...
And the Smut?:  Where that point is lost. Though sexy, descriptive, and nicely timed, but a little more angst/experimentation could be given. Explanation below.
Status: Complete (2005)
Pairing: Draco/Hermione, Harry/Hermione

This Round 4 Dramione Award winner was a definite treat, and a great day read. It was rather predictable, but not disappointing in the least. Sometimes a story that has a major twist is ruined because of it! 


And about the smut... The only problem I had was that if Hermione was experienced sexually, why on earth would the wildest thing she tries (illustrated in one of the sex books) be oral sex. If she is having sex with Draco Malfoy, there is definitely going to be some spanking, anal, the works. Not necessarily, but he is painted to be a bad boy in this story. Although the little bit of DubCon is very sensible, and used quite well, the idea that Draco needs/wants more than the usual that he's getting with Natalia should be played upon. He's sex starved, and should want as much and as many different versions as he can get, and should have no problem using it to mess with Hermione. 

Anywhoo! It still got a great rating, and with good reason. Harry is perfect for Hermione, in the literal sense... but logically, she belongs with Draco. It's clear with this story.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm still here...

I am really wondering about certain stories...

Just a little mumble in my head.

I am reading! Quite possibly 10 separate stories at the same time... I just read Adamo Fidelitas by pixiezombie, or rather, what was posted of it. I haven't looked too hard for the rest of it (maybe it's on a personal page, or posted over at IATQO, but it hasn't been updated in 5 years! I love it though, and apparently so do/did a lot of people! It's a Dramione... :)

I just realized that people tag things... like in their posts, to narrow down searches! I will have to go through all my posts to do that! (Add tags!)

Monday, January 5, 2009

List of Stories

I do believe I will make a Twilight Fanfiction Blog in addition to my Dramione one... 

I have been switching back and forth between Twilight Fics and Potter Fics like a crazy, filling up the cache on my phone :). 

Here is a list of what I am currently reading!--

-Entranced, Twilighted
Bella is a witch, a healer, and the Cullens are new to Forks. She is a florist...
-A Licentious Proposition, AFFN, Scary Bear Hair
Malfoy has convinced Hermione to be his personal slave for a month. !!!! Post War, way sexy...
RPattz/KStew. Fall in love during filming!
-Water, Coloured Grey, Kissherdraco
Dramione, So painful, so beautiful... It's sort of chilling, but it makes you want to cry. 
-Irritable Grizzly Adams,
Twilight Fic, Edward left after the accident with Jasper. Bella never forgets him. Years later a chance reunion brings out the truth... 

Pretty hefty!

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Affair

I just finished The Affair by Snapes_Goddess over at AFF... It wasn't amazing, or exciting, or different... just impossibly sweet! I don't know if she meant it to be sweet at all, and in the beginning, she mention's it was supposed to be sad. As I have never experienced such trauma, I didn't find it sad as much as... OOC sweet. It was resolved, complete, and simple.

Location: AFFN
The summary for this story is:
"Two people living lives of misery find comfort in each other, but can two wrongs ever make a right?"
Warnings: Adultery, Angst, AU/AR, HJ, Language, M/F, Oral, SoloF, SoloM
Rating: Adult ++
Length: 30 short chapters...
Time Period: Post Hogwarts, EWE I believe
How Good?: See Below
And the Smut?: See Below
Status: Complete
Pairing: Lucius/Hermione

This story is particularly soft... Really short, but complete. But nothing made me laugh out loud, or get really excited... The smut was plain, not Snapes_Goddess 's best, but it was fitting to the story.  It should be rated Adult +, at most... It's a great story for someone entering the Lumione ship, but not as risque or sexy as possible. 

The Affair was a pleasant read, a good day trip read... but not too good past that. 

Perhaps if Hermione were a bit more strong willed... And Lucius was meaner... maybe that would make sense?

So, my worst rating yet, for a story that I actually did enjoy, just not to full capacity, a 6/10.
And the smut? Fine. 

I hate to have it sound as if I didn't like it, or I didn't appreciate the story line, but I didn't like it as much as I could have. I finished it though... 


Love is...
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