Currently I am reading a Lucius/Hermione story called Wizards Porn by Utopia over at AFFN.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
**A story I'm reading
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Virgin Saint of Gryffindor
I just read the quick one shot The Virgin Saint of Gryffindor by Lexy Malfoy, and I have got to say.... That was an awesome read! It wasnt very long, but it was complete, and even though it's pretty harsh in themes, it's also pretty easy to get into.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Not So!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
**Lots of info
Maybe not too much, but it seemed alright to put that. I have been reading, a lot, but it seems like nothing is complete! Ahh! Thats just retarded. I am slowly working my way through Round 1 and Round 3 of the Dramione Awards nominees/winners.
Pas De Deux
I read Pas De Deux by Eilonwy a few days ago! It was pretty nice, though I wish it weren't driven by a play. Like, 40% of the story was from a play.
Friday, July 25, 2008
**Another update
Alright so I have been reading, catching up on updated stories and going back to look up more dramione!
Monday, July 21, 2008
This story is so wonderful, I found the name of the story. It is called Lucius' Bookshelves, and I have an email address to who I believe is the author! Yay me!
** An Amazing Discovery
I have found what I've been looking for for ages... A Lucius/Hermione pairing that completes every story that I have read that ended before the "good stuff" started, or hasnt been updated in years. It's like.... Amazing, and this is a story that will lure anyone from Draco to Lucius....
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Crash Into Me
I just skimmed through Crash Into Me by miafitzpatrick. I imagine that if I had the patience to read it all, it would be really touching. But it may mean something that I had to skim a one-shot...
Accio Knickers
I actually just finished a story! Finally found something worth reading, as it seems everything I start to read and enjoy, isn't complete and hasn't been updated in two years! Ahhh!
**I am reading...
I promise I am still reading fanfiction, I've just been stuck trying to find some good Lucius/Hermione pairings. I gave up last night, and started back on the Dramionaise train. I am addicted, and wish this wont ever end though I know it will on a story called Off Limits by Avari20 over at IATQO... Is it HOT!!! Oh goodness, well I ought to get back to it! I will be sure to post about it after I have finished it, hopefully it's completed already... I don't feel like waiting....
Saturday, July 19, 2008
**Another update post!
After quite a bit of stress with my Macbook hard drive, it appears all is well now!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
** Just a quick posting
Just so everyone knows I'm still alive and well, I have been ardently searching for Lucius/Hermione pairings... and apparently I'm very picky. Ahhh!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A Dowry of a Single Galleon
I finished reading A Dowry of a Single Galleon last night, by Krissy and was very very pleased! I quickly got used to the character changes, and was so excited by the plot that I could hardly put down my phone at night....
Monday, July 14, 2008
Just writing to alert that I may not be able to post for a couple days... It seems the Apple Store has taken my computer away :(.
I am still working my way through A Dowry of a Single Galleon.... It is not disappointing! I love it! And the length is fantasmic...
Alright, so I need to get off this PC before I break it... Ciao!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
**Read a few stories
Alright, so a quick notice. I actually have been reading stories, I just either haven't finished it, or didn't like it enough to follow it completely.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Head Girl
Today, I've only managed to finish one story: Head Girl by Jess Lovecat. I will definitely start searching for something new to start tonight, as well as find the story I read last night that I have yet to post...
Friday, July 11, 2008
How Hermione Got Her Ring
I just finished How Hermione Got Her Ring by drcjsnider and I have to say I liked quite a bit of it. It made me sort of think of how a relationship between Hermione and Fred...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Beautiful Things Can Come From The Dark
I haven't read Beautiful Things Can Come from The Dark by yesterday4 in a while. I remember having it saved on my phone, and reading it... I can't really give the most thorough review without rereading it... Or rather, much of my own review at all, but I can say this: The development of their relationship is the best I have read. How they grow into caring for eachother is rivaled by no other story I have read, and I do remember that much :).
Contrast by TomFeltonIsKindaHot is currently my favorite story... like, of all time. It is gripping, funny, sexy, and I just want to jump out at it, like it jumps out at me.
The Weekender
I just finished The Weekender by a_bees_buzz. I know! I read a lot, but this was a pleasant surprise. Not so slutty, rather sweet, and a really good Post-war story.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Room Serviced
I read Room Serviced by pir8fancier last night and thought it was quite pleasant actually. There was one thing that sort of drove me nuts in a way, but the format of the story was nice, and it was a great length.
***Star System
Whenever people do actually begin to visit my blog, they might want to know what the stars mean.
***To clear things up
Before someone asks***
Tainted Love
Tainted Love by kerri240879 was a surprise. I found it while searching through my most recent method of finding new fics... the Dramione Awards nominee sites.
The Family Jewels
The Family Jewels by Narcissa Black was and in a way still is my first favorite fanfiction.
**Favorite types of fanfics
Over the months, I have grown to read more and more risky stories. But I guess I ought to start with an explanation as to why I chose the Draco/Hermione pairing. I like Draco. A lot. Ever since the third movie, watching the extras, and I heard his accent, I just thought... goodness. And Hermione is just so... uggghhh! I like her, I do, but there is just something about her that I don't like and isn't fixed until someone like Draco comes along.
**She Loves Dramione!
Hello all... basically anyone who has actually made it to this site! After a few days of trying to figure out HTML code and how to get a fancier blog template, I've finally gotten one to work!