Hello all... basically anyone who has actually made it to this site! After a few days of trying to figure out HTML code and how to get a fancier blog template, I've finally gotten one to work!
Alright, so the purpose of this blog is to record my favorite Draco/Hermione fanfiction. Over the past few months, I have developed an addiction to the pairing. If I am not on my computer searching for it, I am on my Blackberry reading it. In the car, in the movie theatre during previews, each and every night until I fall asleep. Hey, it's better than being addicted to crack!
Over the months I have found so many different styled fics, come up with my own personal favorites, but the only way I have recorded the most recent ones I've read is through the bookmarks I have saved in my browsers. And with that, as I find a new one that I start to favor, the other ones sort of get forgotten. So I plan on putting the name, writer, and a short description and review of every fiction I have read, and maybe even post a link to it. If only there were other blogs like this!
Alright, so why Dramione? Why not Ron/Hermione or rather, why not just get a pet to take up my time? Because I am a sad person. Not a bad sad, but the sort of lonely sad that comes after and during big events. I suppose I am still a newlywed, and after spending almost two years nonstop planning the wedding, I'm suffering post nuptial depression. I also currently moved from Michigan to Hawaii, leaving behind my whole life and family. The loneliness from that action just spurred on our decision to move back. Last, but actually the main reason I got back into fanfiction, is the finishing of the Harry Potter book series. Once I closed that last book, I closed a part of my life that I had lived through for over a decade. And I was so sad, and depressed that I knew the only way I could feel a little bit better would be to get into fanfiction again.
Like the banner says, "Every Fangirl Needs Her Fix" :).
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