Friday, July 25, 2008

**Another update

Alright so I have been reading, catching up on updated stories and going back to look up more dramione! 

So I have turned to the Dramione Awards to find new stories to read and try. I tried a story called Laid by drcjsnider... it was ridiculously out of character... I couldn't get through it. I started The Bracelet by AkashaTheKitty but i couldn't get past the fact that Theo Nott was the Head Boy. I guess I've gotten picky. 

I am also especially turned off by stories in the first person. I just can't stand it...

But, I have started something else that is working out nicely so far! Pas De Deux by Eilonwy. The only thing that is annoying me is the fact that it's going to be over soon.. Like, its very short.. Arrggh! 


Love is...
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