Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Room Serviced

I read Room Serviced by pir8fancier last night and thought it was quite pleasant actually. There was one thing that sort of drove me nuts in a way, but the format of the story was nice, and it was a great length. 

The summary for this story is:
"Post Hogwarts: The war still rages on. Hermione learns that any port in a storm comes at a price."
I found this story at Coloured Grey so I can't find any warnings or descriptions.
Length: One-Shot

For a one-shot, this was impossibly thorough. The format, having little snippets of their relations, is awesome. It all comes together so wonderfully, and is quite funny. But everyone who knows me knows that I hate drugs, smoking, and cigarettes. So if you don't mind a slutty, dingy Draco, then get to it. 

I've always thought of Draco as pristine. Angry, yes. Rude, yes. Disrespectful towards Muggles and Muggle-borns, of course. But I tend to think, when he is with his parents or at a gala of sorts, and with fellow Purebloods, he is an amazing gentleman. And by my definition, that is someone who tries to make everyone around him as comfortable as possible. Draco is clean, fresh, and although raised by a maniac, that maniac just happened to have the most beautiful clean, primped hair. Maybe Lucius would be smoking a cigar or a pipe in his study or something (still gross), but not Draco. I don't know how many more ways I can explain it but smoking is gross, unclean, and not something a Malfoy would do. Sure the evil or hardcore Draco could be pictured that way but... Hmmm.

But back to the review. It was good, a great read just before going to bed, funny and sexy. Give it a read cause despite my peeves, It was very well put together. 


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