Wednesday, July 9, 2008

**Favorite types of fanfics

Over the months, I have grown to read more and more risky stories. But I guess I ought to start with an explanation as to why I chose the Draco/Hermione pairing. I like Draco. A lot. Ever since the third movie, watching the extras, and I heard his accent, I just thought... goodness. And Hermione is just so... uggghhh! I like her, I do, but there is just something about her that I don't like and isn't fixed until someone like Draco comes along. 

We know Hermione. So much about her that we could all probably give a pretty good imitation of her snootiness. She is wound so tight, that she seems to just waiting to burst. That sort of energy and tension could never be quelled by Ron and certainly not Harry. Blaise couldn't even take on the real Hermione alone... 

We only know so much about Draco, and the sort of life he has lived. With Lucius as a father, we know all too well how arrogant the Malfoy's are, bent on blood purity. But there is room with Draco, to shape that arrogance into something, give it a reason, and change him into someone who matches Hermione. 

Harry cannot be changed, Ron... can't really be either. Fred and George are just funny. No real story could be developed from any of them... I guess maybe Harry/Hermione, but it would just be some serious fiction. Like all make believe. 

Hermione and Draco as Head Girl & Boy is believable. Hermione and Draco as enemies/lovers during the war is believable. Hermione and Draco developing such a terrible hate for eachother that they just go insane and attack eachother in a lust filled rage is very believable. 

I'm not crazy, I'm just a fangirl. Lately I've been daydreaming up pairings. Like when I wake up in the morning, I lay back down and imagine different relationships. Like, after reading Tainted Love by kerri240879, I couldn't stop making up Pansy/Hermione ships in my head. 

I guess I will go back and find as many of the previous stories I've read and post about them... That is going to take a lot of time!


Love is...
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