Tainted Love by kerri240879 was a surprise. I found it while searching through my most recent method of finding new fics... the Dramione Awards nominee sites.
The summary for this story is:
"A secret between two families is revealed during the summer holidays before the start of seventh year, challenging everything the Prince of Slytherin has ever known. The secret threatens to drag him into a place he has never been before. Sit back and enjoy the biggest fall of all."
I haven't found his story on AFF so there is no description...
I really love well-written stories, so I will have to say this one goes along with my previous post. And almost all of my future posts. Without giving much away, the Draco in this story is very close to the one we are used to.Before the author even posts the first chapter , she mentions big change in the regular sequence of events to make room for this other worldly story. And it is really out there. I don't know how to describe it, when the story ventures so far off from the books... And I really really want to see this new Pansy. I have never been a Pansy fan, but wow. I really want to see her...
This story has a lot of chapters and is a great read if you have patience, many reviewers have mentioned that Hermione is extremely weak and Draco is just hard, including myself. But it works itself out, so stick with it! It was nominated for a DA for a reason!
do know if this is posted anywhere else? it's on longer on granger enchanted
i love this story. one of the best fic i've read, which there are many good stories out there. it was beautiful story, good plot, yet unfinished. too bad, the author deleted all her stories i think? i do hope her family's okay now.
i wish this story will be alive again. :)
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